Friday, March 19, 2021

Portfolio Blog Post Number 17

 Portfolio Blog Post Number 17

     In this blog post I am going to go into detail about things I can and cannot control in the making of this film opening. The most obvious detail that me, and every other person, doesn't have control over is the weather. Luckily, most of my scenes are inside so the weather should not affect too much. Unfortunately, the weather can affect lighting as well as continuity. 


   While creating anything on film, lighting is one of the most important components. It affects how the scenery and actors can be seen, the "vibe" of the film, as well as the story line. An obvious example would be if a scene takes place at night, the scene must be shot at night or with lighting that exemplifies night time. Just having good lightning overall is super important for the quality of the film. For my opening specifically, the film takes place during the day so it is important for it to be decently bright.


  Continuity is "the maintenance of continuous action and self-consistent detail in the various scenes of a movie or broadcast". This can even be if a water bottle is out of place. While continuity has to do with physical objects, it also has to do with lightning. Lets say someone is shooting the first half of the scene one day, and the second half the next day, but the first day it's raining and the second it's not. This wouldn't work. With a high budget, this can definitely be altered, but unfortunately for this project there is almost no budget. For me, this is why I am planning on shooting this all in two days,  so there shouldn't be too much of a problem. The only issue could come in the driving scene if the weather is not great.

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Portfolio Blog Post Number 24

 Portfolio Blog Post Number 24 Here it is! My CCR! Enjoy:)