Monday, February 22, 2021

Portfolio Blog Post Number 7

 Portfolio Blog Post Number 7

      In this blog post I am going to begin planning out my sequence of scenes for the film opening. As the film centers around the lead character, Willow, I'm hoping to make the scenes bright and light hearted and then slowly progress into a darker "vibe". I am choosing to do this because I want it to represent what Willows head would look like,  as well as most teenagers. For the darker scenes towards the end I'm not planning on making them too deep, just more of a boring feel. I am not sure whether I am going to follow Willows whole day, or just her morning to mid-morning. Which ever I chose I will definitely be ending it with a cliff hanger, which if this was a whole movie would introduce the "problem". Though this problem is never addressed in the opening, I still would like to address it so that the actor has some background to go off of. Overall, I am letting the actor run with the idea, but the cliff hanger would be Willow waking in on the family dog speaking to the younger sister. At this point in my posting I am going to explain what each of the openings would look like, depending on which time frame I use.

     Morning To Mid-Morning:

   The scene would begin with Willow shutting of her alarms and getting out of bed. As soon as the alarm shuts off an upbeat song begins to play, just like every early 2000's movie.  From here she would go into the bathroom and brush her hair and wash her face. While walking out of the bathroom her little sister , Joey, would walk into her and they would push each other. Willow would then walk back into her room and look at her self in the mirror and give her self a thumbs up, with a bleak expression. At this point willow picks out her clothes, sweatpants and a tee shirt, and runs down stairs. She makes herself and her little sister a bowl of cereal, eats it, grabs her keys, says bye to her mom and yells for her sister to come, and runs out of the door. Joey is playing with the family dog when she hears this. Willow realizes she forgot something and runs back around as Joey, dressed in pants and a backwards hat, runs past her screaming that her boyfriend is waiting for her. Willow rolls her eyes, runs inside to put on perfume, and gets in the car. The music begins to slow down as Willows mood is bored while driving to school. Next to her,  Joey is putting on makeup in a good mood. As the girls pull up to school Joey realizes that she left her computer at home that she needs, without any hesitation Willow turns around to drive home, it is clear she doesn't want to be at school. Joey runs inside to grab her stuff but is taking a while. Willow gets frustrated and goes inside to see whats up. There is a close up of Willow grabbing the door handle and turning it, and then a zoom shot of Willows shocked face screaming at the sight of whatever is past the door. 

   After writing this opening scene with the time sequence of morning to mid-morning, I realize that for the sake of time, and not wanting to drag out unnecessary scenes, I am going to go with it. I am going to keep in the part of me questioning the time sequence in the blog, so I have it to look back on if I need it. I am pretty happy with what I have so far and am excited to develop it more. I also really like the 2000's vibe it has.

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Portfolio Blog Post Number 24

 Portfolio Blog Post Number 24 Here it is! My CCR! Enjoy:)